Spot UV Gloss

Flat UV Gloss
Go flat for the most flexible and affordable spot UV gloss finish. Our Flat UV spot gloss is flexible for folding, scoring and trimming, and is perfect for full-bleed printing. Print Flat UV on top of matte laminate for a glossy contrast.

3D-UV Raised Gloss
Our 3D-UV is a spot gloss finish that you need to see and feel to believe. This high-gloss finish is available exclusively on our Premium 420gsm card stock with matte laminate.
Printing Spot UV Gloss

No Block Required
We use the latest print tech for Spot UV finishing, which means you no longer need a block for each new design.
Spot UV is compatible with variable data
Our Spot UV Gloss is printed digitally, which is exciting news for variable data printing!
Print a unique design or name on each print in Spot UV using variable data. Follow our Artwork Guidelines for Spot UV and Variable Data to make it work.
Suitable for braille
3D-UV can be tailored for braille printing for the visually impaired.
Traditionally an expensive and lengthy process, braille has now gone digital! To enable the 3D-UV to form a readable height for braille, we recommend a special card stock, press settings and artwork requirements.
Trade pricing
Take advantage of our wholesale pricing for 3D-UV with premium markups for your retail customers. Add 3D-UV to thousands of products when you get an instant online quote. Login for an instant quote.